The current Covid19 epidemic situation in Taiwan is serious. The government has announced that the level three alert will be extended to the end of June, and many normal retail and store operations shall be closed or severely limited. According to statistics, retail rental space and salaries make up for 70% of a shop owner’s expenses. Even without customers physically visiting retailers, employees must still be furnished with their commensurate salaries. This is an unbearable situation, with potentially disastrous losses impacting businesses.
91APP (stock code: 6741) has put together the experience of assisting thousands of brick and mortar retailers in their digital transformation, and has launched the “Covid 19 Business Toolkit”. Included in this package, the original “In-Store Portal” tool allows your mobile phone to collect customer information and provide personalized customer care. This is also combined with the LINE community in order to facilitate direct one-on-one contact and provide shopping guide links, so that the clerk can work at home to achieve performance.
According to a “91APP Big Data” survey, since the outbreak of the epidemic, the rate of growth for brand members switching from stores to official websites and the utilization of shopping APPs has risen as high as 63%. Concurrently, the number of members conducting in-store shopping has fallen rapidly. As of June 7th, the number of e-commerce orders has grown over 50%, demonstrating that consumer behavior has changed significantly.
Ho Ying-Chi, chairman of 91APP, has pointed out that 80% of a brand’s revenue comes from loyal customers. Although the epidemic has made consumers afraid to go out, it does not mean that the demnad for items has diminshed. The key is to make good use of the power of the store clerks. Store clerks must have an excellent array of digital tools at their disposal, thereby allowing them to efficiently use an e-commerce system to continue to serve and satisfy loyal customers.
Ho Ying-Chi further explained that in the past, successfully doing business at a retail store relied on the ability of store clerks to serve customers face-to-face. While online communication seems, at first glance, to be a distance, by utilizing 91APP’s “In-Store Portal”, store clerks are aided in understanding consumer behavior on the internet in advance tracks. Such relevant information woud include favorites lists, open lists of products added to shopping carts, and so on. Additionally, bilateral historical transaction records of stores and e-commerce can accurately recommend products by clearly grasping consumer preferences; coupled with auxiliary sales tools such as points, gift certificates, and free shipping, the chances of successfully attracting and satisfying customers are much higher. That, in turn, will lead to greater sales.
Ho Ying-Chi also revealed that since the outbreak of the epidemic, some branded women’s apparel industry has decisively closed more than a dozen stores in Taipei city and New Taipei city, allowing the staff to work from home and use “In-Store Portal” to continue business. Many of them have managed to maintain a rate of performance of 70-80% of the original physical location.
91APP said that the above results are not anomalous. More and more brick and mortar retailers have discovered that the sum experience accumulated by in-store clerk is an invaluable asset. At the forefront of brand contact with consumers, the in-store clerk know how to communicate and interact with consumers. The headquarters only needs to provide a list of members and regular past customers, allowing the in- store clerk to utilize the “In-Store Portal” and commit sales. This process allows for a warmer, personal touch, while achieving profitable results; surpassing those relegated to a sysytem of stand-alone text message notification.