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響應「T大使計畫」91APP與AppWorks School聯手 大舉招募新一代軟體人才

2024-03-18 台灣首家上櫃原生SaaS軟體服務公司 91APP(91APP*-KY,6741)與台灣數位人才培訓指標機構AppWorks School聯手響應數位發展部「數位青年T大使推動計畫」,開辦AppWorks School軟體人才培訓學院,即日起至開放招募,凡110年-113年畢業青年,不限科系背景皆可申請。該學院不僅學費全免,還有機會獲得T大使加碼獎助金最高達金新台幣109,000元。

D2C需求增 91APP 2023年營收13.9億元創新高

2024-03-15 台灣首家上櫃原生SaaS軟體服務公司91APP(91APP*-KY,6741)公布2023年度財報,全年合併營收新台幣13.9億元,再創新猷,年增10%,營業毛利率維持75%,淨利率維持30.5%,皆保持在穩定區間,稅後淨利為新台幣4億元,續創歷史新高,每股盈餘為新台幣3.37元,在去年整體市場經濟環境逆風下,公司營運仍持續穩健成長。

D2C Trend Ascendant: 91APP Reports Continued Revenue Growth in February

2024-03-12 91APP (Stock code: 6741), the first native SaaS company listed in Taiwan, announced its unaudited consolidated revenue for February 2024. Riding the momentum of the Lunar New Year shopping spree and propelled by the OMO (Offline-Merge-Online) strategy, the trajectory of brick-and-mortar e-Commerce continues its upward trajectory. February 2024 saw unaudited consolidated revenue reach NT$114 million, marking an 11.58% year-on-year increase, affirming sustained growth. The total revenue for January and February reached NT$242 million, demonstrating a robust 16.07% rise compared to the previous year, underscoring the resilient D2C trend and the evolving demand for brick-and-mortar e-Commerce.

D2C買氣旺開春報喜 91APP 1月營收1.29億元 年增20%創同期新高

2024-02-16 台灣首家上櫃原生SaaS軟體服務公司 91APP(91APP*-KY,6741)公布2024年1月份營業收入,得益於D2C成長與農曆春節年前採購熱絡買氣,單月合併營收達新台幣1.29億元,年增20%,創同期新高。展望後市,2月延續迎春消費動能,與即將開跑的3月婦女節、白色情人節活動等節慶商機,品牌D2C業績持續看旺,實體電商發展強勁,可望為公司營收貢獻挹注。

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