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91APP’s Commerce and Marketing Solutions Boost D2C Growth, and Brick-and-Mortar Retailers with OMO (Offline-merge-Online) Drives Taiwan’s e-Commerce Growth

2023-04-18 91APP (Stock code: 6741) today announced to attend an investor conference held by Taipei Exchange for the operating results. The company achieved a record-high consolidated revenue of NT$324 million in 1Q23, driven by the growth of brick-and-mortar retailers which operate D2C e-Commerce. In February and March 2023, the consolidated revenue increased by 21.53% and 18.96% YoY respectively, outperforming the same period last year.

91APP was Indicated in Three Key Categories by “Taiwan MarTech Landscape 2023” Including e-Commerce Platform, Membership Marketing and Management, and Marketing Cloud

2023-02-16 Asia-Pacific MarTech Transformation Alliance Association (AMT) has released "Taiwan MarTech Landscape 2023," which has garnered attention from businesses. The first SaaS service company listed in Taiwan, 91APP (Stock code: 6741), has once again been included in the landscape and has been listed under three major categories: "e-Commerce Platforms" and "Membership Marketing and Management" under "Business and Sales," and "Marketing Cloud" under "Data and Analytics." In addition to selecting representative companies in the MarTech field, the Taiwan MarTech Landscape provides the best reference index for enterprises to choose from in digital transformation cooperation.

91APP 榮獲香港《2022 年度創新商業方案大獎》

2023-02-13 91APP HK獲頒香港《2022年度創新商業方案大獎》之「年度卓越線上線下融合電商方案」獎項。《2022年度創新商業方案大獎》由香港知名商業創意多媒體平台BUSINESS INNOVATOR主辦,旨在表揚當年度香港市場最具創新性與指標性的最佳商業解決方案。

After the Pandemic Lockdown is Lifted, Retail Brands are Adopting the OMO Strategy to Drive D2C Performance to Increase 70% in the First Week of Double 11

2022-11-04 Taiwan's leading retail SaaS company, 91APP (Stock code: 6741), announced a successful first week of Double 11, with a 71% month-over-month increase and a 62% year-over-year increase in GMV (Gross Merchandise Volume) of overall D2C brands during the first week. In addition, the total GMV of e-Commerce Outsourcing Services soared by 285% month-over-month. This impressive performance was achieved without the quintuple stimulus voucher that boosted sales last year.

91APP Releases the “2022 D2C Brand Commerce Whitepaper”: 70% of Brand Owners Believe that “Store Clerks with Digital Empowerment” is the Successful Key of OMO Transformation

2022-08-04 91APP (Stock code: 6741), the first SaaS company listed in Taiwan, released the "2022 D2C Brand Commerce Whitepaper". The report found that 81% of brands have increased their investment in managing members across all channels to enhance marketing and sales efficiency in response to the D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) trend. Furthermore, in addition to integrating omni-channel system services for D2C digital deployment, 73% of brand owners believe that "store clerks with digital empowerment" is the successful key to OMO (Offline-merge-online) transformation.

91APP公布《2022美妝品牌商務報告》: 疫情下電商助攻,85%品牌主預期今年營收添翼

2022-05-26 台灣首家原生SaaS軟體服務公司91APP,發布《2022美妝品牌商務趨勢洞察報告》。調查發現,雖國內疫情籠罩,但仍有高達85%的美妝品牌主樂觀認為,今年營收將持續攀升,其中最主要動能,來自於電商業績成長;更有超過三成品牌主指出,疫情加速帶動OMO發展,電商業績可望快速突破整體業績佔比10%以上,締造新商機。

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